- About
- Celebrating 10 Years
Celebrating 10 Years
January 2023 marked the 10-year anniversary of our founding. Over the past decade we have welcomed thousands of speakers, hosted hundreds of Pritzker Fellows seminars, funded thousands of internships across the globe, run voter registration drives, mentored tomorrow's public service leaders, and hosted thousands of hours of civic engagement programming. All of this has been possible because of you – our supporters and community.
Alumni Panel

Student Advisory Board & Alumni Lunch
Our Student Advisory Board (SAB) kicked off the weekend by welcoming alumni and current students to the IOP house for lunch. Students had the chance to hear from IOP alums about their lives after UChicago and how they are remaining committed to public service.

Board of Advisors 10-Year Lunch
Our board of advisors met to discusses the challenges and successes of the past 10 years while also charting a path forward for the IOP.

Institute of Politics Friends of Anastasia Fund
Anastasia Golovashkina AB’15, passed away after a battle with cancer on July 18, 2022. Anastasia's mom, Natalia, helped us unveil The Friends of Anastasia Internship Fund. The Fund will be an opportunity for Anastasia’s friends around the world to honor her exceptional legacy of digital advocacy and connection by supporting internships in this field.

In Conversation with Secretary of State Antony Blinken
Former IOP Director David Axelrod sat down with IOP Pritzker Fellow and current U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken to offer perspective on the Biden Administration’s approach to foreign policy. The two discussed issues ranging from Taiwan and Israel to the war in Ukraine.

Alumni Panel with IOP Director Heidi Heitkamp
IOP director, Heidi Heitkamp, sat down with five alumni from the past 10 years to discuss the many pathways to making a difference.
- Abdul Dosunmu, AB ‘13, Founder & Chief Strategist of the Young Black Lawyers’ Organizing Coalition (YBLOC)
- Erin Simpson, AB ‘15, Program Officer for Tech & Society at the Ford Foundation
- Maira Khwaja, AB ‘16, Director of Public Strategy at the Invisible Institute
- Dylan Wells, AB ‘19, Campaign Reporter at The Washington Post
- Devshi Mehrotra, AB ‘19, Co-founder & CEO of JusticeText

10-Year Reception
Alumni, former Pritzker Fellows and staff, board of advisor members, university partners, and other friends of the IOP mixed at a reception honoring the IOP.

Dinner Honoring David Axelrod
Friends, family, and colleagues of David Axelrod honored David's commitment to the IOP and thanked him for his service.

Service Projects
UChicago alumni, current students, faculty & staff, joined the IOP for a day of service to celebrate the IOP’s 10 year anniversary! We partnered with the Greater Chicago Food Depository to repack, sort and organize donated food items. Team IOP packed hundreds of pounds of food during the three hours we volunteered. The other half of our team worked with the Chicago Youth Programs helping them clean, organize and prepare their programming space.

A Look Into the Future of Public Service Luncheon
Current students and alumni gathered for a luncheon with IOP Director Heidi Heitkamp to provide recommendations and input on the IOP’s alumni engagement strategy